A typical saga of the Old West filled with senseless violets and and random vistas. A month ago I was in London for a few weeks. I always enjoy these visits because London offers such wealth of history, art and culture. And each day brings the excitement and energy that comes with being in an international crossroads for all the nations of the world. While I was there I took a walk to the top of a height named Primrose hill where you get a sweeping vista of the center of the city and I thought about trading ranch life for a city like this. And I realized that, while I enjoy visiting great cities and all they have to offer, I prefer Grant County. The pictures that make up this edition of the Gazette go some way to explaining why. I carry an inexpensive pocket camera with me as I go about my daily round and these are a selection from this week's pictures. I didn't need any fancy equipment or techniques to get beautiful vistas and stunning landscapes. When I'm lucky, I can get a mink with dinner in his mouth of an otter at play but this week the best I could to is a quail in the cottonwoods. It's free, all around us and it never stops. This life is not for everyone, but sometimes it can be as satisfying as any art gallery or four-star restaurant. Come visit sometime and we'll show you what we mean.
Grant County Gazette Masthead
Senseless Violets
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